Key innovations for digital transformation

While it was difficult to imagine just a few years ago, there is no stopping it today: The digital transformation, driven by the idea of IoT and Industry 4.0. 

Even though both concepts were conceived more than a decade ago, they still form the basis of fundamental digital innovations today. Cloud technologies in particular are becoming increasingly important in the context of information technology (IT) and operating technology (OT), while at the same time IT and OT are merging. This

 is due to the growing trend of distributed intelligence down to the sensor level. The diverse possibilities for connectivity generate exponential growth in data volumes. With the spread of Ethernet and web standards as well as increasing virtualization, traditional IT is moving even closer to industry and manufacturing.

With the kontron susietec® Toolset, we support companies in recognizing the potential of IoT and using it for themselves: More than 30 years of experience in industrial automation ensure you will have a reliable companion on your company's digitization journey.


Holistic solution consisting of hardware, software, connectivity, security and
Expert knowhow


Use cases that can be quickly applied and have already been implemented allow convenient and easy adaptation to individual customer requirements


Data collected directly at the data source and connectivity as a basis for sharing, storing, forwarding and managing IoT data

With Experts

Expert cross-industry knowledge enables the transfer of technologies and architectures as well as new perspectives and combination options for IoT solutions

Der Fachkräftemangel im IoT Umfeld gilt derzeit als eine der Hauptursachen für Verzögerungen in der Umsetzung von Digitalisierungsstrategien. Kaum ein Unternehmen ist in der Lage, das dafür erforderliche Knowhow selbst aufzubauen und kontinuierlich auf dem aktuellen Stand zu halten. Industrial-IoT-Umgebungen erfordern daher flexible Lösungsansätze, die eine Integration bestehender Anwendungen in bereits vorhandene sowie neue Umgebungen erlauben.

Bild 2 zu Lösungen Hardware Rendering von Platine

Mit dem End-to-End-Framework bietet susietec® ein Lösungsmodell, das den individuellen Anforderungen verschiedener Anwendungen gerecht wird: Software und Hardware dienen als gemeinsames Bindeglied zwischen Sensoren und Cloud. Die Kombination aus bestehenden Lösungen und Neuentwicklung bildet die Grundlage der digitalen Transformation in verschiedenen Branchen. So gelingt es uns, den Kultur- und technologischen Wandel von Unternehmen bestmöglich zu begleiten.