Media owner: Kontron Technologies GmbH
Represented by: Mr. Bernhard Günthner
Business purpose: Services in automatic data processing and information technology
Industriezeile 35
A-4020 Linz
Phone: +43-732-941 670
Fax: +43-732-941 670-99
Sales tax identification number: ATU66143345
Company register number: FN 355667s
Commercial register court: Linz regional court
Legal form: Limited liability company
Membership WKO: Member of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Section Management Consultancy and Information Technology, Professional Group: EDP Services
Note on compliance: The masculine or feminine form of language used on this website is intended to make it easier to read and always refers to the other gender.
Note on liability, links and availability:
References and links to other Internet offers have been carefully selected. However, their content, correctness, up-to-dateness, completeness and availability are not within our sphere of influence and we do not assume any warranty/liability for them.
Furthermore, we do not assume any warranty/liability for downloadable forms, in particular not for their topicality, suitability for a specific purpose and freedom from viruses.
We make every effort to avoid problems when retrieving information/services. However, it cannot be ruled out that data and information are not displayed or are displayed incorrectly. We assume no liability that our service will not be interrupted or impaired by malfunctions.
Concept and design:
Jennifer Lachky-Busch
Meißner Street 177
01445 Radebeul